(Genesis 37:1-28 ; Genesis 39:1-23 ; Genesis 41:12-16, 25-44)
At age 17, Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers. Joseph ends up working for Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's bodyguards. Joseph works hard and God blesses all he does so that he soon becomes Potiphar's secondhand man. But Potiphar's wife tries to seduce him, and although he probably could have gotten away with it, Joseph refused to sin against God and man. Potiphar's wife lied and said Joseph tried seducing her, and he was soon thrown into jail. But he remained faithful to God, and God continued to bless him there as well. Soon, he had been promoted in prison and was given more responsibility. One day, the Pharaoh's cupbearer and baker are thrown into prison, and each have a dream. God gives Joseph the ability to interpret the dream and he turns out to be right. 2 years later, Pharaoh has a dream and the cupbearer remembers Joseph. God again gives Joseph the meaning of the dream, and Pharaoh makes Joseph vice president of Egypt.
What we learn about God:
Even in the hard times, God is faithful. It's easier to complain or give up, but God will always provide for His people when they continue to seek Him and live for Him even when it's hard to do.
What we learn about our response to hard times:
Throughout his entire life Joseph is given the raw end of the deal. But Joseph continues to work hard and trust God. He never stopped following after the dream God had laid on his heart as a 17 year old. He doesn't complain, give up, or stop doing the right thing. 13 year later, Pharaoh names him second in command over all of Egypt, a testament to God's purpose, timing and blessing.
For next week...
The set up for the next chapter of God's story is this: As a result of God's work in Joseph's life, his entire family moves down to Egypt during the famine. There they experience the good life as honorary royalty. Their family is getting bigger and bigger, and that's where we will start next Thursday.
Family Tree!
The Covenant made with Abraham was passed down through his descendants. Joseph is apart of Abraham's line. He was one of 12 sons of Jacob. God later renames Jacob with the name "Israel" and thus, we see where the 12 tribes of Israel come from.
Hearing God's Voice
"Come close to God, and God will come close to you."
James 4:8
God wants to speak to His people and He's given us the tools to do it: The Bible, the Holy Spirit, other believers, and experience. The problem is, most of our lives are so busy and cluttered, we have a hard time hearing the still small voice calling for our attention. Just like any other relationship, we need to put time and effort into getting to know God deeper. What we give our time to shows what we think is really important. Sadly, God is usually towards the bottom of the list. Be more intentional to giving Him time and listen closer for His calling.
The Grace of Candlesticks
In the movie "Les Miserables", Jean Valjean gets a picture of what grace is through a bishop. Jean Valjean is a convict who receives the unexpected kindness of a meal and place to stay from the bishop. But in the middle of the night, he steals the silver utensils from the bishop and knocks him out. The next day, the police catch Jean Valjean and bring him back to the bishop. But instead of having him thrown in jail, the bishop lets him go and then gives him silver candlesticks on top of what he's already stolen!
Giving the deserved consequence, setting wrong things right
Not giving the deserved consequence, forgiveness
Giving an undeserved gift
All 3 words are aspects of who God is, but we focused on the aspect of GRACE as it is connected to the covenant. The covenant is God's promise based upon His faithfulness, not human actions. The covenant is based on grace, an undeserved gift.
The bishop tells Jean Valjean, "With this silver, I have ransomed your soul from fear and hatred." There is a responsibility from this point on for Jean Valjean to change his ways. Likewise, we are encouraged in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20:
Your body, your life is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you as a gift given by God. For God bought you with a high price, so honor Him by the decisions you make.
The Grace of Candlesticks
In the movie "Les Miserables", Jean Valjean gets a picture of what grace is through a bishop. Jean Valjean is a convict who receives the unexpected kindness of a meal and place to stay from the bishop. But in the middle of the night, he steals the silver utensils from the bishop and knocks him out. The next day, the police catch Jean Valjean and bring him back to the bishop. But instead of having him thrown in jail, the bishop lets him go and then gives him silver candlesticks on top of what he's already stolen!
Giving the deserved consequence, setting wrong things right
Not giving the deserved consequence, forgiveness
Giving an undeserved gift
All 3 words are aspects of who God is, but we focused on the aspect of GRACE as it is connected to the covenant. The covenant is God's promise based upon His faithfulness, not human actions. The covenant is based on grace, an undeserved gift.
The bishop tells Jean Valjean, "With this silver, I have ransomed your soul from fear and hatred." There is a responsibility from this point on for Jean Valjean to change his ways. Likewise, we are encouraged in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20:
Your body, your life is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you as a gift given by God. For God bought you with a high price, so honor Him by the decisions you make.
Ok so I thought God was telling me to be a motivational speaker. I talked to my counselor, Shannon, at youth camp and she said that she thought that I was supposed to go into ministry too. I haven't really felt God talking to me lately though and I know that to become a motivational speaker normally you need to go through something first to speak about it.